Smithereens Press Chapbooks Atoll by Dylan Brennan | Page 17
Now In Rainbows
i.m. Garo
Upon the sedimentary base of the Río Grande
or Río Bravo (depending on your line of approach)
his corpse was found. It probably stank.
It was probably bloated and purple
and was definitely shackled.
As they dragged the thing
that used to be him
to the twinkling surface
filthy liquids that had soaked
and stained his white cotton socks
must have streamed
from his trainers
through shoelace holes
and from his nostrils and pockets
rendering business cards or,
more likely, scraps of paper
with scribbled names and numbers,
illegible and pointless.
From Brownsville to Matamoros
he had crossed to visit his parents.
There were signs of torture.
He had rented a car.