Smithereens Press Chapbooks Atoll by Dylan Brennan | Page 10

Tabula Rasa Oceanic dispersal. The potential of a heliotropic universe encased within each capsule, perhaps from Revillagigedo or the Galapagos, its salt-tolerant seeds floated to this ribbon of land. I imagine the ornithologist’s soft treading upon luxuriant mats of goatsfoot morning-glory, his pig extirpation programme and unprophetic nightmare of a pregnant sow he’d left behind. Beneath the manic trample of a million land crabs the limbs of a pantropical creeping vine cling to extinct polyps of coralline limestone, internal advance halted by the brackish waters of Clipperton’s heart. Beyond the surrounding sedge marshes a lesser man-o-war bird inflates its exuberant chest and flittering, perhaps, between the pinnacles, a ruddy turnstone in post-nuptial plumage. 4