Smitha Guidebook 24-25 current | страница 3

School begins – 9:15 a . m . School dismissal – 4:15 p . m .
The front office hours are 8:30 a . m . to 4:45 p . m .
To maintain the safety of our students , they may not be dropped off or enter the building before 8:00 a . m . because supervision is not available .
Arrival Students who arrive between 8:00 a . m . and 8:45 a . m . are to report to the 8 th Grade Commons for study hall . Buses begin arriving at Smitha at 8:45 a . m . Students arriving between 8:45 a . m . and 9:10 a . m . may report to breakfast if they choose , then go to homeroom . Students who arrive after 9:15 a . m . must be accompanied by an authorized adult for sign-in through the Front Office .
Dismissal All students are dismissed from school using a staggered dismissal procedure . School dismissal begins at 4:15 p . m . Car riders are dismissed through the 8th Grade Commons and expected to exit the building promptly through the outside doors . Walkers are dismissed to the LLC . Bus riders are dismissed to the bus port . Once buses have exited the bus port , walkers are released from the LLC to promptly exit the building . These students are not to re-enter the building unless they are supervised by an adult .
When signing students in or out of school , parents may park in the visitor parking spots ; however , parents are not permitted to park along the RED fire lane curb or leave a car unattended .
Bus riders are expected to make their way in an orderly fashion to the bus port and get on their bus in a timely manner . Students who do not get on their bus in a timely manner will be warned regarding this behavior and may eventually be pulled from the bus . Administration will do its best to ensure all students who follow dismissal procedures accordingly have sufficient time to get on the buses .
Tardy Policy Students are expected to attend class or activities on time . Students shall not leave school grounds during the regularly scheduled school day without the permission of the enrolling adult and Principal or designee . Families and students must follow the established procedures for checking in or out of school . Students who are chronically tardy to school will be referred to a school administrator and / or the school social worker .