Smitha Guidebook 24-25 current | Page 18

Assignment of Detention
1 . Teacher completes a Detention Notice form , which is sent home for parent / guardian signature . Alternatively , the teacher may email or call the parents / guardians to notify them about the detention . The reason for the assignment of detention and the date and time of detention are noted on the form , and / or may be relayed through email or phone communication . 2 . After the Detention Notice form is signed and returned to the teacher ( or confirmed via email or phone call ), the student serves the detention .
3 . Detention is served on Tuesday mornings from 8:00 a . m . to 8:45 a . m . or on Thursdays from 4:30 p . m . to 5:15 p . m .
Serving Detention 1 . For AM Detention , students report to 8 th grade commons at 8:00 a . m . 2 . For PM Detention , students report to the 7 th grade commons at dismissal . 3 . The supervising teacher takes all students serving detention to a classroom or they may remain in the commons . 4 . Students are expected to refrain from any communication with other students . 5 . Students may work quietly on homework , silent reading , or teacher-assigned schoolwork . 6 . For students who are absent from detention , they will need to reschedule with the assigning teacher . 7 . For students who are non-compliant in detention , they will be subject to further disciplinary action . 8 . For students who refuse to serve detention , they will serve In-School Suspension
( ISS ).
In-School Suspension : ISS is an alternative to out of school suspension . The student attends school but is isolated from other students . Students are expected to comply with all Smitha expectations as well as the Student Code of Conduct . Work is assigned to the student and credit is given for all work completed while in isolation . Students are expected to complete all work while in ISS . Students who are serving ISS are required to adhere to school dress code and all school policies . Students are not permitted to participate in extra-curricular activities during dates of assigned ISS per Cobb County Student Code of Conduct . Inappropriate conduct while in ISS will result in OSS ( out-of-school suspension ).
Out-of-School Suspension ( OSS ): The student is not permitted to attend school or participate in or attend any Cobb County school activity on or off campus when serving out-of-school suspension . A conference may be requested by the school before the student returns to school .
BUS CONDUCT Buses are an extension of the school building . The CCSD J-Policies for behavior apply both on school grounds and on the school bus . All students riding the school bus must have a signed contract on file with bus driver .