Smitha Guidebook 23-24 latest | Page 4

Checkout A student must be in attendance for at least half of the scheduled day to be counted present . If a student is checked out early , a parent / guardian must show a picture ID to sign the student out before 4:00 p . m . Students will not be called out of class for checkout after 4:00 p . m . Students may not leave campus before school dismissal unless signed out by an authorized adult whose name appears on the registration form .
ATTENDANCE POLICY One of the most important steps a student can take to achieve academic success is also one of the most basic : attend school every day . Research shows that a student ’ s attendance record may be the biggest factor influencing his / her academic success .
Regular and prompt attendance are necessary for student academic success .
To prevent missed school days counted as an unexcused absence , the parent must do the following within three ( 3 ) days of the student returning to school :
• Each time the student misses school due to a doctor ’ s appointment , the school must receive a doctor ’ s excuse .
• Each time the student stays at home sick , the parent must submit a signed note explaining the reason the student stayed at home .
Cobb County School District attendance policy is as follows :
After 3 unexcused absences – Homeroom teachers contact parent / guardian to address the absences . After 5 unexcused absences – A letter is sent home to the parent / guardian addressing the student ’ s attendance . After 7 unexcused absences – The school social worker is consulted to determine if a referral is needed .
Bus Routes Bus stops and route information may be obtained from the Cobb County website or by calling Transportation at 678-594-8000 .
Transportation Changes Only the enrolling adult may request transportation changes . All transportation changes must be made in person or emailed with the enrolling adult ’ s identification and signature to 678-594-8269 before 4:00 p . m . Students may only be released to the enrolling adult or contacts listed on the student ’ s profile with valid identification . The enrolling adult should make changes through ParentVue to add or remove adults who have permission to pick up the child . Therefore , it is critical that the emergency contact information and telephone numbers are accurate for student profiles .