Smitha Guidebook 23-24 latest | Page 17

Smitha Middle School is a positive place for learning due to the cooperation and mutual respect among students , teachers , administrators , and Smitha families . Respect includes :
• Respect for oneself and others
• Respect for school and private property
• Respect for the teaching and learning process
STUDENTS MUST FOLLOW ALL COBB COUNTY POLICIES WHILE ATTENDING SMITHA MIDDLE SCHOOL Families and students must read the Student Code of Conduct for middle grades , which is included in the Cobb County School District Family Information Guide . This document addresses discipline expectations for students . Both students and families are responsible for reviewing these policies , and students are required to always follow them . Family members may contact grade level administrators to address questions .
The following are prohibited behaviors that will have administrative consequences : 1 . While students are welcome to have cell phones and other electronic devices at school , upon arrival these devices must be turned off and put away out of view . Text messaging is not permitted during the school day . Recording ( video or audio ) of peers or staff while on campus is not permitted . Additionally , posting of images , videos or recordings of peers or staff to any social media site is not permitted while on campus and is a violation of the Cobb County Student Code of Conduct . Failure to follow the guidelines will result in students receiving conduct points and may result in further consequences . Items lost at school are not the responsibility of the school .
2 . Students should comply with reasonable directions of all adults and refrain from using any type of inappropriate / disrespectful language .
3 . Students should engage in learning and refrain from any behaviors that may interfere with the teaching and learning process .
4 . Students displaying any other inappropriate behavior not specifically outlined in this agenda will be subject to administrative consequences .
CONSEQUENCES The teachers or administration will assign consequences if a student chooses to behave inappropriately . Consequences may include the following : isolation , accumulation of conduct grades , phone call home , staff / family conference , detention , In-School Suspension ( ISS ), or Out-of-School Suspension ( OSS ). For the most serious offenses , a recommendation for expulsion may be made by the principal . Disciplinary consequences are progressive . For repeated offenses , the consequences increase in severity . Additionally , certain offenses are cumulative from year-to-year during grades 6-12 and may lead to expulsion .
Detention When a teacher assigns a student detention , the following steps are taken :