Smile Heating & Cooling Inc. Some Plumbing and Heating Advices You Should Consi | Page 3

Simple Plumbing and Heating Advice to Keep Things Functional  Do not ignore any leaky faucet in your home. The issue may not look big at first, but things will quickly go out of hand if you do not take immediate actions. Also, you need to bear in mind that it takes no time to lose gallons of water when you have a single leaky faucet in your home.  Think seriously of making hot-water storage tank more efficient by insulating it properly. It is also a good idea to insulate all those storage pipes as well. While doing it, ensure that you do not cover the thermostat or you may run into serious trouble in no time. In case of oil or gas hot-water storage tanks, you should not insulate the heater's top and bottom. Avoid covering its burner compartment and thermostat. When not sure, do not hesitate to talk to a plumbing and heating expert.  Make special moves to lower your water bill, and one simple thing is to opt for non-aerating low-flow showerheads and faucets. These fixtures may cost you a bit more, but you will end up saving some good money on your water bill.