Smile Heating & Cooling Inc. More About Plumbing and Heating, and Furnace | Page 10

Tips for Furnace Maintenance  Any time your furnace is not working well, there are usually three components that are causing the problem: your heat or cold source, your thermostat or the air distribution system. If your heat isn’t coming on, the problem is at the source; this could also be a sign that there’s no power for the furnace to run properly. There’s also a chance a chance the fuel is not getting to the unit. If your furnace runs on oil or gas, it’s possible that the furnace may not be lighting. If the furnace turns on but you don’t feel any warm air, your blower or distribution system is probably not working well. A thermostat of faulty control may also keep your heating system from turning on, or this could make the furnace turn on and off over and over without your control.  If you find that a fuse has blown or the circuit is tripping over and over when you turn the furnace on, you have an issue with your electrical system. If this is the ca