Smile Heating & Cooling Inc. Make Your Furnace Run More Efficiently | страница 6
Identify the Root Cause to Handle
Furnace Repair Effectively
• Ensure that the furnace is receiving power. In case of no power
supply, the unit is not going to work, no matter what. If there seems
to be a problem with power, you may want to check the unit for
tripped circuit breakers or blown fuses. You need to check it at the
main entrance panel. Keep in mind that some furnaces may have
fuses mounted on or in the furnace.
• Consider resetting the furnace before going any further with furnace
repair. You may find the button near the motor housing. Reset it and
wait for about half an hour. When the motor has cooled completely,
simply press the button and wait for the furnace to start. If nothing
happens, repeat the same process and wait for another 30 minutes.
• Carefully check the thermostat before performing any repair work on
your furnace. The furnace is not going to function properly if the
thermostat is not set properly. You may consider raising the setting by
5 degrees to see if it resolves the issue or not.
• Ensure that the gas supply is not blocked. In case your furnace uses
oil, you need to ensure that an adequate amount of oil is reaching
the furnace.