Smile Heating & Cooling Inc. Furnace Repair - Tips To Consider | Página 5

HOW TO MAINTAIN YOUR AIR QUALITY DURING WINTER MONTHS  Clean Registers and Ducts  Your heating and cooling system relies on a series of registers, vents and ducts to move air around. It’s important to make sure all of those things are kept nice and clean. While you can wash up the registers and vents around your home effectively, you’ll have to hire professionals to clean up the ducts themselves, but a complete cleaning only needs to be performed once every few years to keep ducts clear of dust and dirt.  Swap out Furnace Filters Regularly  Your furnace likely has a high quality filter in place designed to catch dust and debris as it passes through. Swap out old filters as they become dirty to trap as much dust and dirt as possible and to keep air moving through your heating system reliably.