Smile 2 Project E-Magazine N°1 | Page 8

Our Methods With Children

As we always say to children "We are not teachers". We are just friends. This is the basis on which all the project is built; our approach is non-formal and our main target is to make children feel comfortable with themselves, even though this means being loud or to having the hands covered in paint.

We strongly believe (and not just us) that a less formal approach is the best in order to make young people interested in a specific topic. Let's explain what were our activities then:

The first week was for introducing ourselves and to let kids introduce themselves. We also used that amount of time for two activities: make them gain confidence in us and to make them know that we are not representing any formal authority, as, for instance, a real teacher does. Also tried to make them aware of the monthly topic that, in this case, eas recycling. We understood that a verbal approach wouldn't have worked because of the language issues. Then we tried to face the