SME Magazine SPRING 2017 | Page 5

COLUMN ❝ IN LITTLE MORE THAN TWO YEARS TIME – WHEN THE UK EXITS THE EU, AND WITH THE TRADE THREATS FROM EU LEADERS RINGING IN THEIR EARS – MANY BRITISH PEOPLE WILL WONDER WHY WE DIDN’T LEAVE THE CLUB MANY YEARS EARLIER Frankfurt rings hollow. Most obviously, all of the clients are located in London, and very few in Europe, which is why the sector first grew up in London in the first place. Overall, what pro-EU organisations such as the EFF and the CBI don’t seem to realise is that around half of British engineering and manufacturing is already owned by foreign companies. Most are highly profitable. In total foreign firms own more than £120bn in UK-based industrial assets. Giving them up on the command of some EU politician is unthinkable. Above all, all of world’s high growth markets for UK exports in the future lie outside the EU – in the Middle East, South Asia, Australasia and North America. These are the places where JCB excavators, Rolls-Royce cars, Glaxo’s Hepatitis C and Aids vaccines, and much more, are most highly prized. By contrast, doing business in the EU since the UK joined in 1974 has been little more than a nightmare. Our total trade deficit with EU nations since we joined now stands at more than £300bn, or the equivalent of one third of our national debt. We buy much from them; they buy little from us. The UK and Netherlands are the only truly open markets in Europe. All others are protected by stiff regulations, language restrictions, city obstructiveness, and often ferociously backed by substantial secret subsidies. Ever tried buying a German football club; tried getting a contract with a French engineering company; tried opening a hotel in southern Italy? Forget it: the barriers are insurmountable. The best aspect about Brexit is the way in which it will encourage – or even force – British exporters to re- discover their true markets in our traditional regions of the world. Some of the best and most entrepreneurial businessmen in Britain supported Brexit. These include Tim Martin, of pub chain Wetherspoon's; boss of Staffordshire digger firm JCB and Tory donor Lord Anthony Bamford, and home appliances pioneer Sir James Dyson. Export markets and opportunities for our SMEs will boom – as never before. In fact, they are already. The British Hovercraft Company reported plenty of fresh interest its sports craft when interested buyers from leisure parks in the US and Brazil realised they would not now be subject to heavy EU tariffs. Pro-EU organisations such as the EFF and the CBI have little knowledge of the tens of thousands of fast-growing SMEs which are logged and monitored in our 58,000-SME database, the Gibson Index, which has investigated ground- floor developments in the UK economy since 2001. At most overseas trade shows the excellence, sophistication and originality of UK SMEs never ceases to astonish. Years ago it was a Scottish security firm whose software tracked down the Washington Sniper when the FBI didn’t have a clue where to look. Another firm, Subacoustech, near Portsmouth, undertook all the difficult development work for the US Navy’s high energy gun. Lastly, let’s remember that all of the legal and regulatory work for the Euro 20 years ago was executed by professional services firms not in Frankfurt but the City of London. In little more than two years time – when the UK exits the EU, and with the trade threats from EU leaders ringing in their ears – many British people will wonder why we didn’t leave the club many years earlier. SME 5