Find what works and model excellence.
PLAY YOUR PART Let's say that one of your employees is
Provide Superior Service customers with the level of service they
already consistently delighting your
provide. The key to success is to ensure that
all employees model the same behaviour.
This also ensures that the employee
feels rewarded and appreciated, and are far
more likely to stay with your company.
There are many different techniques to find
out what it is exactly what it is that the
model employee is doing well. Common
C ustomers that are delighted and truly amazed Equally important, ensure that the people
by your service, will not only remain loyal and involved in providing that service, know
profitable, they will also be an excellent source exactly what the customer expects of them.
of referrals for you. Then your company is in a position to delight
the customer, by delivering exactly what was
Create a culture of excellence
said on the tin. And then some, always go that
In order to truly be a respected organization, it
is important to instill an excellence culture in
little bit extra!
One of the hallmarks of good customer service
responsible for selling your offering, so is is the ability to turn a complaint into an
everyone responsible for servicing your opportunity.
customers. When an angry customer is on the phone the
It is important to utilise people's best skills in natural reaction is to try to solve the problem
the correct positions in a team sport. The same as quickly as possible. However if you study
is true in your company. There are many those who are expert in this area, before they
psychometric testing systems around that help solve any problem, they quickly and easily
determine what roles a person is best suited to gain rapport with the customer.
fulfill. These can be used at recruitment stage. What an irate customer really needs is
With existing employees, empathy. It is important to understand what it
will take to cool him down, make them feel
Suffice it to say, that someone in customer understood.
The customer needs to feel that their
Just for clarification, by customer service, I problem is being taken seriously.
mean, ensuring that a customer who purchases Once this is done, the customer is ready
your offering is able to make use of it in a way to have their problem solved, and they
that will fulfill and exceed their expectations. will definitely appreciate the service. They are
clearly demonstrate to them what they are
getting, in terms of what, when and how, with
what resource.
manufacturing processes, sales processes and
distribution processes, it is very important to
have a sound customer service process.
Superior customer service is indeed alive and
working at many progressive companies, both
simply a term or a department, but rather an
attitude and a manner of doing
It boils down to caring and adhering to the
golden rule…"to do unto others as you would
have them do unto you”.
Superior customer care has declined to such
an extent that some firms are actually
promoting their own efforts at providing
customer service as a unique benefit of dealing
service needs to be a caring type of person.
When a customer orders a product or service,
Create a Customer Service Process. Just
large and small. Customer service is
introduce something like this tactfully!
Set the customer up to be delighted
great technique!
Don't solve problems too quickly
you need to
sense is a
now in a position to become a delighted
customer who, in all probability will continue
buying from you.
with their firm. Unfortunately, that is an apt
description of the current state of customer
service provision from most companies. Most
companies do not get it.
They are so
consumed with the bottom line that they miss
one of the most important factors
business: The customer is
king. He always has been and always will