The Smash-Pro VISION is to promote the professional REPUTATION of the MBR Industry . Changing & RESTORING Consumer and Industry perception from the traditional " Panel Beater " to that of the modern era of the " Automotive Repair Specialist "
We invite Independent & established Automotive Repair Specialists ( aka Panel Beaters ) all over the regions South Africa to join the " SMASH PRO " initiative as independent partners !
At first glance these two concepts seem to be in direct opposition to each other , but it need not be . To retain Independence in a world striving for convergence is a challenge to every business , no matter how successful it has been to date .
Technology has demolished all information barriers . Information is available on a 24 / 7 basis at your fingertips to both consumers and industry roll players . Mobility is the key - decision and action is required immediately . The ‘ mouse rules ” and the “ phone became smart ”! MBR leaders ( successful entrepreneurs in their own right ), has realized that “ the cheese is moving ”, that “ technology ” needs to be harnessed . A plan of action with much urgent consultation & research was commissioned to establish the facts and plan for future success .