Smart Risk Magazine Winter 2018 | Page 31

WINTER 2 0 1 8 / 2 0 1 9 corporation as a dividend that is taxed in Marni’s hands). The main purpose of this new rule is to reduce Marni’s future corporate tax deferral from 37.8% down to 22.8% on the $250,000 of 2019 income no longer subject to the SBD rate. So, what can incorporated professionals such as Marni and business owners do to avoid the reduction in the amount of income eligible for the SBD rate in 2019? In a nutshell, minimize their CCPC’s 2018 AAII and try to keep the amount below $50,000 in 2018, where possible. Here are a few ideas: INVEST TO EARN (DEFERRED) CAPITAL GAINS Capital gains are only 50% taxable and thus only 50% CORPORATE INVESTMENT STRATEGIES of gains are included in the definition of AAII. Furthermore, if gains are not realized on an annual basis and can be deferred, they do not form part of the AAII calculation in the current year—only when realized. PAY SUFFICIENT SALARY/DIVIDENDS TO MAXIMIZE RRSP & TFSA CONTRIBUTIONS Business owners should generally pay themselves enough salary annually to maximize RRSP contributions. Salary of $145,722 that was paid in 2017 will allow the maximum 2018 RRSP contribution of $26,230 (18% of $145,722). Moving the money out of the corporation and contributing to an RRSP means that investment income earned on the distributed funds are excluded from AAII. Similarly, business owners should be paying sufficient salary/dividends annually to maximize their $5,500 annual TFSA contributions. Extracting funds to invest in a TFSA means that investment income earned on those funds will also be excluded from AAII. CORPORATE-OWNED LIFE INSURANCE A corporation may choose to invest its after-tax income in a permanent life insurance policy that insures the life of someone, typically the owner- manager. While the Budget specifically captures income from a non-exempt policy in the $50,000 annual passive income 31 test, it appears that an “exempt policy”, where no income is required to be included in the holder’s income over the life of the policy, does not appear to come under the ambit of these new measures. This could be a strategy for business owners to consider in consultation with their tax advisors. INDIVIDUAL PENSION PLANS An Individual Pension Plan (IPP) is created for one person, rather than a large group of employees. Since the corporation contributes to the IPP and the income earned in the IPP does not belong to the corporation, it too should not be subject to the new rules. An IPP could be a strategy to consider once AAII exceeds the $50,000 threshold. CON T I N U E YOU R WOR K- OP T IONA L LI F E CON V ERSAT ION Is your charitable giving making a difference? We can help. contact us at [email protected] Visit or contact [email protected]