Smart Mobility Exporter Resource Guide | Page 107

The Netherlands

adapt and innovate. This is not only limited to the integration of new vehicle technology or digital services, but also requires innovation with regards to existing and new business models – e.g. shared mobility.

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Current Market Demand

Electric mobility remains the largest growth market with opportunities in charging points and electric engines. Even though the fiscal stimulus offered by the Dutch government is reduced annually, the demand for electric cars continues to increase with a rise of 20.3 percent in market share from 2019 to 2020. Electric cars also benefit from a lower additional tax rate compared to cars with a combustion engine. The lower rate will be raised each year until 2026 when the additional tax rate is the same for all cars. Other eco friendly cars, including hybrids, no longer benefit from a lower additional tax.

Best Prospects for U.S. Exporters / Opportunities

1)Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Opportunities

o5G Technologies


oTransit Technology & Sensors

oVehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Communication

oVehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) Communication

oVehicle-to-Pedestrian (V2P) Communication

oVehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) Communication

2)Automotive Technology Opportunities

oAutonomous Vehicles

oElectric Vehicles

oHybrid / Electric / Alternative Fuel

oVehicle Technology

3)Robotics / Machine Intelligence

oArtificial Intelligence

oRobotics / Drones

In Person or Virtual Events


June 14-16, 2022 | Amsterdam, the Netherlands |

ReMaTec is an international trade show for the remanufacturing market. The trade show attracts specialists from the automotive and heavy-duty markets, and has a strong focus on innovation, education and development.

Import Associations

Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs at

Industry Association

Connekt/ITS Netherlands: Connekt is a Dutch-based independent network for smart and sustainable mobility. With more than 500 partners across the globe they develop and implement tangible solutions that make the world a better place – ecologically and economically.

Nico Anten, Managing Director - [email protected]

Phone: + 31 15 251 65 65 office , + 31 6 53 38 03 74 cell

Membership list of 116 Dutch companies:

One of their initiatives is Smart Mobility Embassy, where they offer their expertise with the aim of encouraging international parties to carry out testing in the Netherlands. The Smart Mobility Embassy functions as an intermediary, bringing parties who need Dutch expertise and capabilities in the area of Smart Mobility together with Dutch parties who can offer these services. The Smart Mobility Embassy is a public-private network within which national and local authorities, knowledge institutions and companies make their knowledge, experience and testing capabilities available. The Smart Mobility Embassy the gateway to knowledge and experience in the Netherlands; acts as an intermediary between the Netherlands and the rest of the world: government-to-government, business-to-government, government-to-business and business-to-business.




List of Dutch universities:

For Information about exporting to the Netherlands contact:

Glenn van Polanen

U.S. Embassy The Hague

Smart Mobility Commercial Specialist

G[email protected]