Smart Mobility Exporter Resource Guide | Page 7

As Director of the Global Auto & Smart Mobility Team, I’d like to welcome you to our new Smart Mobility Exporter Digital Resource Guide: A Reference for U.S. Exporters. The Auto & Smart Mobility Team of the U.S. Commercial Service is dedicated to enhancing the global competitiveness of the U.S. automotive industry, expanding market access for our more than 14,000 clients across all sectors of the industry, as well as ensuring our core mission is met: increasing the exports of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Our dedicated team is comprised of more than 225 automotive trade specialists both in the U.S. and overseas at more than 70 U.S. Embassies and Consulates. The bottom line is this: the Smart Mobility and Intelligent Transportation Systems industries are essential to U.S. innovation and our economy. We are looking to approach and support an untapped bloodline of U.S. exporters and help them achieve global expansion from inception.

Overall, this industry is extremely unique and you don’t have to look too far to see that more than 20 foreign markets in Europe and Eurasia are interested in purchasing your products today! If you are not already working with your local U.S. Commercial Service Smart Mobility Trade Specialist, click here to find your nearest office where an international trade specialist is ready to work with you! Our team members will work with you and your company to develop market entry strategies, while recognizing country specific barriers, and help connect you to our global industry experts. After reading through your markets of interest, our trade specialists can coordinate a free conference call with our overseas colleagues to hone-in and promote your product’s unique offering.

I strongly believe our digital resource guide will exceed your expectations! For more than 40 years, we have assisted U.S. businesses with their visions of global expansion and we look forward to providing you the same, exceptional service.

If you’re already a client working with the U.S. Commercial Service, we thank you for the opportunity to serve your exporting and international trade needs. If you’re seeing this guide for the first time, we hope you consider our Auto & Smart Mobility Team as a true resource to you and your business development.

All the best,

Michael Rosales, Director

Global Auto & Smart Mobility Team

[email protected]

As Director of the Global Auto & Smart Mobility Team, I’d like to welcome you to our new Automotive Digital Resource Guide: A Reference for U.S. Exporters. The Auto & Smart Mobility Team of the U.S. Commercial Service is dedicated to enhancing the global competitiveness of the U.S. automotive industry, expanding market access for our more than 14,000 clients across all sectors of the industry, as well as ensuring our core mission is met: increasing the exports of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Our dedicated team is comprised of more than 200 automotive trade specialists both in the U.S. and overseas at more than 70 U.S. Embassies and Consulates. The bottom line is this: the automotive industry is essential to the U.S. economy. It is one of our nation’s largest employers, with automobiles and suppliers representing the largest manufacturing industry in the country.

Overall, this industry directly supports more than 7 million U.S. jobs and is the largest manufactured goods export sector in the country, totaling $154.08 billion annually.

You don’t have to look too far to see that 22 foreign markets are interested in purchasing your products today! If you are not already working with your local U.S. Commercial Service Automotive Trade Specialist, click here to find your nearest office where an international trade specialist is ready to work with you! Our Automotive Trade Specialists will work with you and your company to develop market entry strategies, while recognizing country specific barriers, and help connect you to our global industry experts. After reading through your markets of interest, our trade specialists can coordinate a free conference call with our overseas colleagues to hone-in and promote your product’s unique offering.

I strongly believe our digital resource guide will exceed your expectations! For more than 30 years, we have assisted U.S. businesses with their visions of global expansion and we look forward to providing you the same, exceptional service.

Connect with us through our list of upcoming trade events, trade missions, buyer programs, and conferences at

If you’re already a client working with the U.S. Commercial Service, we thank you for the opportunity to serve your exporting and international trade needs. If you’re seeing this guide for the first time, we hope you consider our Auto & Smart Mobility Team for your international expansion needs.