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Robotics / Machine Intelligence Opportunities
In the Government strategy Bulgaria 2030 the stated long-term goal is by 2030 the country to have a full electro mobility infrastructure completed, focus on LNG more widely as a standard fuel and take hydrogen technology beyond the R&D stage. For public transport the plan is by the end of 2021, 20% of all city buses to be electric. So far in Sofia there are 6 charging stations for the public transport. Bulgaria has a significant lack of public charging stations at the moment and the aim is to complete 15,000 new e-charging stations in the next 3 years.
Bulgaria’s e-car market constitutes the smallest part of automotive sector, but there is an increase in the past several years. Electronic Vehicles Industrial Cluster (EMIC) notes that electronic vehicles must begin in the business sector, the government sector and then - Bulgarian citizens will see the benefit of e-Cars. (Sources: www.emic-bg.org; Bulgarian Traffic Police Department, Ministry of Interior). The price range varies from USD 15,700 to USD 81,468. The owners of e-cars or personal use do not pay taxes for the car, as well as product charge. The eco tax is paid only one time, when the car is purchased.
For 2019 Bulgaria was ranked relatively low in the sales of electric cars with 181 units sold (-6.7% decrease from previous year). Hybrid models across the EU have seen an increase of nearly 50 per cent to 465,026 units sold, and in Bulgaria their number has increased by 7.7 per cent to 237.
For 2020 Bulgaria was ranked 20 out of 28 EU member states for Market share of electric passenger vehicles and 24\28 for electric vehicle charging points.
A study by the Association of European Automobile Manufacturers (ACEA) shows that only seven of all countries in the European Union (EU) do not offer subsidies for the purchase of an electric vehicle, including Bulgaria.