CONTENTS 01. INTRODUCTION 05 Curating life thought bits for may 05 How do I know it’s a good idea? 05 New projects are like a road trip 06 Best product warning ever: ISSUE 004 SMART MARKETERS MAGAZINE 16 What is a DdoS Attack, and How Can You Protect Your Business? 16 Instagram is a Marketer’s Best Friend – For Now 17 How to Get Your Facebook Posts Noticed in the News Feed 06 Product warning 17 Can Your [Brand] Name Make You a Liar? 06 How to get more $$$ from kickstarter 17 The Internet, Then And Now 07 Are you an expert? Prove it 17 The Next Heartbleed Bug? 07 Linkedin no-no 08 Facts tell, stories sell 02. NEWS 09 Wtf? Skype quietly removes “offensive” emoticons 03. IDEAS 18 What’s The BIG Secret To Growing Your Business? 19 Do You Sell A Big Ticket Item? 20 Go Ahead, Make That Ridiculous Face 09 Google scans your email 21 “Pay What You Want” In Action 09 Still using internet explorer? Don’t 23 A Marketing Lesson from Actors Robert 09 Fcc: trust us, we’ll protect an open internet 10 7 ways to grow your business with linkedin 10 Facebook referring almost 20 times more website traffic than twitter 11 8 brain triggers guaranteed to boost your social media marketing 11 Spam turns 20, bill gates proven wrong 01 Skype’s group video calls now free for everyone 12 4 tactics for surviving facebook’s algorithm changes (infographic) 12 3 step case study: 980% increase in website traffic via linkedin 12 Is social the new seo? 16 Wordpress 3.9 “smith” is here! Redford and Will Ferrell 24 Your Content Marketing Campaign Will Fail Without These 10 Elements 25 MAKING EXTRA CASH IN THE New Share Economy 26 Understanding What Makes Your Story Meaningful 04. ARTICLES 27 10 sneaky persuasion marketing tactics 30 How a softer webinar pitch might produce more sales for you 33 16 tips to running a powerful wso 36 Is this the best kindle niche ever?