skills , knowledge and capabilities from different areas of learning in accordance with their age and abilities . Learning through play is essential .
Basic education is provided within a single structure
Basic education starts in the year when a child turns seven and lasts nine years . Local authorities assign a school place to each pupil close to their homes . However , in some bigger cities where there are several schools , parents are free to choose the comprehensive school of their preference , with some restrictions .
Basic education is provided within a single structure , that is , there is no division into primary and lower secondary education . Instruction is usually given by the same class teacher in most subjects in the first six year-classes and by subject specialists in the last three years .
School year is the same everywhere but timetables are local
The school year comprises 190 days between mid-August and the beginning of June . Schools are open five days a week . The minimum number of lessons per week varies from 19 to 30 , depending on the level and number of optional subjects taken . Daily and weekly timetables are decided in the schools . In addition , there is local autonomy concerning extra holidays .
National core curriculum leaves room for local variations
The national core curriculum for basic education is determined by the Finnish National Agency for Education . It contains the objectives and core contents of different subjects , as well as the principles of pupil assessment , special needs education , pupil welfare and educational
Early childhood and basic education as part of life-long learning 15