SMART Community Review (SCR) SMART Community Exchange 2018 Program | Page 19

Cyber Resilience Cyber emergencies can happen without a warning, at any time and at any home, school, organization, or community. While emergency personnel do their best to quickly respond to emergencies, it could take days, weeks or even months for them to respond to a Cyber emergency. The best way to help citizens to be safer, is to help them build resilience by sharing with them information and resources they need to mitigate risks and prepare for emergencies before one occurs. Youth Cyber Resilience - mitigation, planning, preparedness, response, and recovery - efforts include children’s unique needs and assets. Establishing a Youth Cyber resilience program in your school or community is an involved effort. Youth Cyber Resilience program was designed to help educational institutions effectively implement Cyber resilience awareness, education, and workforce development and training programs in their schools and communities. Why Youth Cyber Resilience? Children comprise approximately 25 percent of our population and are the future of our communities. They can play an important role in building Cyber Resilience and during Cyber Emergencies. Many programs do not consider children in their planning. It is important that children know what to do to mitigate cyber risk and how to prepare for cyber emergency. Strengths Youth Bring to Cyber Resilience While children have unique needs during an emergency, they can also play a very important role when it comes to Cyber Resilience in our communities. • Children are positive influencers. Children involved in youth preparedness programs can effectively spread important messages about preparedness to their family members. They can be change agents. Participating in emergency preparedness activities such as helping their parents make a family preparedness plan by educating adults about preparedness. • Children can become leaders. By participating in youth cyber preparedness programs, children are empowered to become leaders at home and in their schools and communities. Children who’ve participated in preparedness programs across the nation have responded in emergency situations and have taught others about preparedness. • Prepared children are more confident during an actual emergency. Studies and anecdotal evidence support the idea that children who have learned about emergency preparedness experience less anxiety during an actual emergency. The knowledge of what to do during an emergency empowers them to act with confidence and enables them to become active participants in emergency efforts. Understanding Challenges There are some challenges when implementing a youth preparedness program. For example: • Children are often overlooked in being an active member of family preparedness activities. They can and should take an active role. • Many adult preparedness programs exist, but for children to be effectively prepared, they need to receive age-appropriate materials and messaging. Many community preparedness programs don’t offer this. • Youth preparedness initiatives require resources. From funding and program materials to instructors and staff, successful youth preparedness programs may require resources, and this can be a challenge for startup programs with little funding and personnel. Cyber resilience awareness program was designed to be implemented in schools and communities today with very limited resources. Benefits You will notice positive changes in your community as your program is implemented: • Enriching Education – Children have the opportunity to receive an education filled with practical applications of the concepts they’ve learned in school. • Behavioral Changes – As children are learning about preparedness and bringing the information to their families, a behavioral shift will occur, making family preparedness a priority. • Community Cohesion – Working with business, leaders, and other organizations will create a unified team of citizens within the community dedicated to a common goal. • First Responder Familiarity – For many youth, seeing first responders, police officers, and emergency personnel incite fear or uncertainty. Youth preparedness programs that enable first responders to work with children help cultivate positive relationships and help children understand that first responders play a positive role in their communities. Awareness & Education SMART Cyber Exchange (SCE) cyber resilience program is an awareness program for schools and and community-based organizations. The program was designed to help organizations begin implementing cyber resilience programs. Specifically, to help them to: 1. Define the key elements of what cyber resilience is and what makes cyber resilience programs effective. 2. Provide information and direction to schools and community-based organizations on how to successfully implement, evaluate, and sustain effective cyber resilience programs using readily available resources. 3. Provide information about existing resources so organizations do not have to start from scratch. Getting Started Assess Your Community’s Needs and Risks. The first step in implementing a Youth Cyber Resilience awareness program in your school or community is to decide what your goals are. Before making this decision, you first need to assess your needs and risks. Our citizens, communities, organizations, and enterprises across the nation are at risk for specific types of Cyber threats and emergencies. We can help you identify pre-determined hazards in your school district and schools, and we can provide many valuable resources as you implement your Youth Cyber Resilience program.