SMART Community Review (SCR) 2017 SMART PROGRAM | Page 7

SMART Soft-Landing USA The process of U.S. and International Market Entry or Expansion - consumes resources and time. As such, we must carefully select which companies are accepted to the program. We select companies that will benefit from SMART soft-landing services, as well as meet SMART partner requirements and criteria. As our soft-landing program is about guiding management teams from the entry/idea stage to the graduation stage, we select participants with clear intent, understanding and belief that their business will grow and flourish as a result of the SMART Soft-Landing program and ultimately graduate from the program. Company profiles may vary significantly according to our selection criteria, but successful graduation is always our common goal. Therefore, it is importan t to define an initial road map towards successful graduation and to select those companies willing and able, with our support, to reach this goal. The SMART Soft- Landing process is tailor-made for each participant, taking into account the different sectors and markets in which these companies operate, since companies in different areas of business are likely to have different growth rates. It is important to note that the Idea/Entry/Selection/Soft-Landing in your Region and USA, and Exit/ Graduation process applies to S C E ’s u n i q u e S o f t - L a n d i n g process. After graduation in the USA, participants can decide, if they want to continue the post- soft-landing services, and/or as SCE portfolio company. Join our workshop to learn more, or visit: Day 2 - SMART Soft-Landing Workshop FRIDAY August 18, 2017 9:00AM - 12:00 Noon “Doing Business in the USA and Florida” From Information to Implementation SMART Soft-Landing USA Market Entry and Expansion Workshop and Executive Roundtable discussions with Positive Development (PD) and S.M.A.R.T professionals from the U.S. and abroad. By invitation. Register HERE Who Should Attend Businesses seeking to enter or expand their U.S. operations or internationally. Business, Government, Economic Development, Chamber, and International Trade professionals seeking to engage their organization/ region/ stakeholders in Positive Development (PD) and SMART trade. Limited Seating, first come. US $997.00 Registration Fee for Day 2 Please request an invitation before the event, and register early to guarantee your opportunity to participate. Register for Day 2 HERE The fee includes a certificate of participation, a one-on-one meeting with the SMART Community Exchange (SCE) Leadership Team, and an invitation to participate in the SMART Soft-Landing Program and Summits: Contact [email protected] Sponsor HERE