Need of the Community :
With so much of economic and social development, rising industrialization
and urbanization, food has also undergone a lot of change. That is more
demand of food which is available in less time at convenience. Twenty
first century has witnessed a large number of working women. Food
processing has opened the doors of convenience for everyone having
less time and energy to spend on cooking for a party or a small gathering
or cooking for festivals etc, therefore the role of catering industry came
into existence. We all have more instances of eating out or ordering food
from outside now as compared to the past because food is readily
available at each and every corner of our colony. This has led to the
mushrooming of a number of eating outlets, fast food centres, restaurants
Work education must offer students an opportunity to learn food
processing and catering management in senior classes so that they can
find themselves associated with these areas in future and can take these
areas further either as a main stream, side stream as a vocation or for
family use etc.
Learning Outcomes :-
The student will be :-
Understand various methods of food preservation at home. Prepare
and store preserves.
2. Understand and learn different methods of food processing.
3. Understand various food groups and their nutritive contribution in
the diet.
4. Do menu planning in details for a day for meal, for a simple
person/family, for Indian/International groups, for different income
5. Develop skills in purchasing and storage of quantity food.
6. Develop knowledge and skill in quantity food production.
7. S er v e fo od i n v ar io us s t y les ( Tr a di t io na l an d Mod er n) eg : Buffet, in tray