Worcester and Droitwich Branch
Letter from the Branch Coordinator…
Dear Members
A very warm welcome to our
new members (and their
bumps and babies) and
hello again to existing members.
The summer is nearly over
and I hope you all managed
to enjoy it, even with the
pretty rubbish weather we
have had.
I know a lot of parents who
are looking forward to
school restarting as it isn‟t easy entertaining little ones all day
every day without it costing a fortune. Let‟s just hope for better
weather for the autumn so we can go on long walks in the sunshine and kick up some leaves!
Your local branch is run entirely by volunteers so we all had a bit
of a break too before getting busy again organising NCT events
for the next couple of months for you to enjoy.
We have four First Aid for Baby and Toddler courses running
in September and October after lots of requests from members
(see page 13 for more details). These are a great way for you
(and anyone else who helps you look after your children) to learn
new skills or refresh existing ones. If you can‟t make these dates,
please do let us know so if we have enough interest, we can
book in some more dates for you next year.
Worcester and Droitwich Branch Autumn 2015