Small Town Times | Page 7

LITCHFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 16, 2015 President Todd Wardyn called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Members Present: Steve Heapy, Bill Howard, Marie Sweley, Todd Wardyn, Mitch Feldman, and Jim Holm. Visitors: Judy Kucera, Bernice Yilk, DeeDee Howard, Barb Kratzer, Nolan Kratzer, Ethan Scott, and Karen Paitz. President Todd Wardyn announced and informed the public that a current copy of the Open Meetings Law is posted on the wall of the meeting room, and also indicated the instructions for those who wish to speak during the public forum. The minutes of the last meeting were read. Mitch Feldman made a motion to approve as read the minutes from the last meeting. Second by Bill Howard, Motion carried 6-0. The treasurer reported a balance of $1,267,136.15 in the district treasury. Payroll and claims in the amount of $201,237.41 were presented for payment. Jim Holm made a motion to pay the claims. Second by Steve Heapy. Motion carried 6-0. Public Address: DeeDee Howard addressed Dr. Maline and the Board of Education on a personnel matter. The Principal’s Report was presented for Board to look over as Mr. Kjar was taking a bus driving class. Mr. Kjar explained in the report second quarter half over, a group from our school attended the Digital Citizenship conference in Kearney, NESA testing scores, Hosting of a successful Veteran’s Day Program, Lion’s Club Health screening for the students; Mrs. Kluender reported on Continuous Improvement Process, A.P.L. Training, Staff Meeting to Improve Writing and Standards, how the teachers are preparing students for testing, and also there is a letter on the school’s website that all patrons are encouraged to read about the Kearney Hub article and test scores. In the Superintendent’s Report, Dr. Maline discussed: Negotiations Software (in executive session), Sick Leave (in executive session), Policy Updates, Student Achievement and District A-Quest Rating, Long range planning, State School Board Conference, and Negotiations Metting (in executive session). Policy update was tabled until next meeting as some were already approved and to check for differences. State School Board Conference will be attended by Mitch, Todd, and Dr. Maline starts on Thursday and they will leave Wednesday evening. Jim Holm made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss Negotiations Software, Sick Leave, Negotiations Meeting, and Personnel Matters. Second by Bill Howard. Motion carried 6-0. President Todd Wardyn restated the intent for Executive Session was to discuss Negotiations Software, Sick Leave, and Negotiations Meeting, and Personnel Matters. The Board entered Executive Session at 8:15 p.m. The Board came out of Executive Session at 9:40 p.m. Marie Sweley made a motion that the Litchfield Public Schools will follow the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 for all staff members. Second by Mitch Feldman. Motion carried 6-0. Steve Heapy made a motion to adopt the resolution for sick day donation by any staff member which states “This donation is voluntary, will be kept confidential, and is to be used on an “as needed” basis. The donated days can only be used if the staff member (s) has used all of his/her won sick leave days. If this occurs, other staff members may donated up to 5 days each to this staff member per year. Each staff member donating sick days must submit a letter to the superintendent authorizing the donation. The donated sick days can then be used by the staff member. Second by Marie Sweley. Motion carried 6-0. Marie brought up filling the vice president vacancy and Dr. Maline said we will have new officer election in January and that wasn’t necessary at this time. Jim Holm made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m. Second Steve Heapy. Motion carried 6-0. Page Marie Sweley Board Secretary 7 The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education will be at 7:30 p.m. on December 14, 2015. The agenda is a continuous agenda and is available for examination during regular hours at the office of the Superintendent. Public notice of the meeting will be given in the Small Town Times newsletter and in the Sherman County Times.