March 14, 2016
President Mitch Feldman called the regular meeting to order at 7:31 p.m.
Members Present: Steve Heapy, Bill Howard, Marie Sweley, Todd Wardyn, Mitch Feldman, and Jim Holm.
Visitors: Cody Franzen, Lauren Heyden, Nikia Hunt, Brian and Jeralynn Moser, Susan Poland, Leah Kenney
and her husband.
President Mitch Feldman announced and informed the public that a current copy of the Open Meetings Law
is posted on the wall of the meeting room, and also indicated the instructions for those who wish to speak
during the public forum.
The minutes of the last meeting were read. Todd Wardyn made a motion to approve as read the minutes
from the last meeting. Second by Bill Howard. Motion carried 6-0.
The treasurer reported a balance of $1,399,261.40 in the district treasury. Payroll and claims in the amount
of $188,608.73 were presented for payment. Jim Holm made a motion to pay the claims. Second by Steve
Heapy. Motion carried 6-0.
Mr. Kjar reported on the end of 3rd quarter and hosting our 3rd quarter reward assembly, Activities that the
FBLA has been involved in, The Pediatric heart disease fundraiser, Staff participating in ALP Learning
Walks, the presentation on drinking and driving that the staff and students listened to, and the Kearney hub
article on the School and Trotter’s Garden Center, and hosting two track meets; Mrs. Kluender reported on
Preschool Roundup, Instead of offering a Kindergarten roundup Mrs. Stubbs is doing a transitional period
three different days for the preschoolers who will be in kindergarten next year, workshops and conferences
she had attended.
In the Superintendent’s Report Dr.