Small Town Times | Page 14

LITCHFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 19, 2015 President Todd Wardyn called the Budget and Tax meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. Members Present: Steve Heapy, Bill Howard, Marie Sweley, and Todd Wardyn. Jim Holm was absent and excused. Visitors: Katheryn Sauer & Sue Stubbs President Todd Wardyn announced and informed the public that a current copy of the Open Meetings Law is posted on the wall of the meeting room, and also indicated instructions for those who wish to speak during the public forum. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mitch Feldman made a motion to excuse Jim Holm from the meeting. Second by Todd Wardyn. Motion carried 5-0. The treasurer reported a balance of $1,308,853.99 in the district treasury. Payroll and claims in the amount of $196,387.74 were presented for payment. Steve Heapy made a motion to pay the claims. Second by Marie Sweley. Motion carried 5-0. In the Principal’s Report, Mr. Kjar discussed: Ending quarter activities, new staff members attending training sessions, exploring computer options as lease is up at the end of the school year, and students and staff took advantage of flu shot, winter sports startup as fall sports start winding down, weekly scheduling on homepage of the school web site; Mrs. Kluender reported on organizing Quarter Awards Assemblies, Attending School Wellness Policy Training. Creating an Early Childhood Advisory Committee to meet requirements for Rule 11, and Homecoming Week. In the Superintendent’s Report Dr. Maline discussed: Negotiations Meeting Date, Negotiations Software, Recommendations for CD’s, Co-Op Resolution for approving Co-op Sports and Minutes of last Co-op Meeting. Long Range Planning and Discussion, Request to January Board Meeting Date, and School Board State Conference. Mitch Feldman made a motion to recommend the purchase of the NASB negotiations software for up to $950 for necessary modules needed. Second by Bill Howard. Motion carried 5-0. Steve Heapy made a motion to recommend to renew the present general fund CD that is due to renew in late October into the flex CD, $200,000 in flex CD and the remaining amount of $28,859.28 and additional interest into a general fund 12 month CD, and put $150,000 of the depreciation account into a 12 month CD. Second by Todd Wardyn. Motion carried 5-0. Mitch Feldman made a motion to recommend the resolution as presented with the addition of volleyball as it was omitted on the resolution passed by the co-op board. Second by Bill Howard. Motion carried 5-0. The board reviewed current state law to determine how low enrollment affects small school existence and accreditation, under the current state law and because of distance from area schools Litchfield Public Schools may operate as a K-12 district as long as the school board wishes the district to exist. Due to a wedding in California there was discussion on moving the January Board meeting to Wednesday January 20 th at 4-6 p.m. Bill Howard made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 p.m. Second Steve Heapy. Motion carried 5-0. Page Marie Sweley Board Secretary 14 The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education will be at 7:00 p.m. on November 16, 2015. The agenda is a continuous agenda and is available for examinations during regular hours at the office of the Superintendent. Public notice of the meeting will be given in the Hallway Happenings Newsletter and in the Sherman County Times.