Small Town Times september | Page 14

LITCHFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING August 20, 2018 President Mitch Feldman called the regular meeting to order at 7:27 p.m. Members Present: Mitch Feldman, Bill Howard, Marie Sweley, Jim Holm, April Gross, and Steve Heapy. ' Visitors: Susan Poland President Mitch Feldman announced and informed the public that a current copy of the Open Meetings Law is posted on the wall of the meeting room, and also indicated the instructions for those who wish to speak during the public forum. The minutes of the last meeting were read. Bill Howard made a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting. Second by Steve Heapy. Motion carried 6-0. The treasurer reported a balance of $1,129,135.84 in the district treasury. Payroll and claims in the amount of $211,950.03 were presented for payment. April Gross made a motion to pay the claims. Second by Jim Holm. Motion carried 6-0. There was no coop Treasurer’s report as it wasn’t finished. Wade said they had a joint ad- ministration meeting and are planning this as a weekly happening. He also said that there is a rotation for uniforms and will get that back to the Board. Matt Drew discussed Staff Meetings; MTSS, Safety/Crisis, CIP focusing on Literacy, Blssing, Preschool beginning tomorrow, Kickoff Supper, Calendars finished, Elementary going to the State Fair on August 30*, and Increased Participation in Fall Sports. Wade reported on 1 Reading for School Food Procurement Policy, 2™ Reading & Policy Changes, Review of our Student/Staff Memorial Policy, Weight Room Update, Building & Grounds, State Education Conference, and Dates to Remember. Bill Howard made a motion to approve first reading of the Policy 802.07 for School Food Pro- curement Policy Change required by NDE. Second by Marie Sweley. Motion carried 6-0. Marie Swe ley made a motion to enact the policy changes for Policies 402.09, 503.08, 603.01,and 1005.12 recommended by the NASB. Second by April Gross. Motion carried 6-0. The Board discussed our Student/Staff Memorial Policy and felt it was fine as written. The Weight Room Update is moving forward faster than Wade expected. We are looking at selling membership to the community for access to the building to use the equipment so in- terested parties need to contact the school to be put on a list. Wade discussed the comple- tion of the sidewalk in front of the brick building, thank you to Bill for leveling and spreading crushed concrete over a lot of the grounds where it was needed, State Glass will be replac- ing the two locker room exit doors and replacing the mechanism in the entrance to the blue building, and the Board thought the quote was high from the Engineer from Olson & Associ- ates so Wade will be checking other options for the road in front of the blue building. Wade discussed the State Education Conference and when if interested you need to register. Dates to remember August 28 Board Budget Workshop, September 17t at 7:00 pm Budget