In 2018, the Nebraska Legislature passed the NE READS
Act. David Jespersen, Public Information Officer, Ne-
braska Department of Education said in a 2019 press
release, “The NebraskaREADS initiative emphasizes the
need for pre-kindergarten through third-grade students
to have access to high-quality instruction, and for strug-
gling readers to receive targeted, individualized sup-
port.” Students in grades pre-k through sixth have been
receiving testing for targeted interventions, but now
there will be more communication and documentation
about students needing more support with reading in
grades kindergarten through third.
Litchfield Public Schools will be testing our students
three times a year and providing targeted supports for
them, as well as tips on how to help them become
better readers. There will be more information to fol-
low for families with students in kindergarten through
third grade.
- Litchfield Multi-Tiered System of Supports MTSS
Leadership Team
Litchfield FFA & FBLA are selling raffle tickets for 2 tickets to the Nebraska vs. Northwestern football
game on October 5th. The tickets were donated by Scott & Susan Bice. Tickets are 1 for $4, 3 for
$10 or 4 for $15. Contact Lynette Finley at [email protected] or Brian Johnson at bri-
[email protected] at the Litchfield school if you would like to purchase tickets. The drawing
will be held September 27th at the Litchfield vs. Amherst football game.
Tickets will also be sold at the Litchfield vs Pleasanton football game and the Litchfield volleyball
game on September 12 th .