Litchfield School News
500 N. Main | 308 446-2244 | contact info: [email protected] | October 2019 issue
FBLA 2019-20 Officer Team
In This Issue
FBLA Officer Team 1
Spartan Act Calendar 2
Oct Lunch Menu 3
School Activites 4
Counselors Corner 5
Art News
Jr High Sport Teams 10
HS Varsity Team 11
HS Football Team 12
Jr High CC Team 12
Box Tops Info
2019-20 officers left to right: Chloe Ellison, Secretary; Katherine Paitz, Reporter, Kaylee
Rosentreater, Treasurer; Rilee Howard, President; Calvin Finley, Vice-President
Caden Holm, Parliamentarian
Grandparents Day 15
FFA News 16
Spartan Logo Ad 17
7 ways to Cope 18
15 Tips 19
Ways to Manage 20
Sept Board Minutes 21-22
FBLA Officers Attend Fall Leadership Convention
The Litchfield FBLA Chapter officers and sponsor Lynette Finley traveled to Has-
tings College on September 24th to attend the Nebraska FBLA Fall Leadership
Convention. The students spent the day listening to the general session speaker
who talked to them about how to step up and be a leader in their chapter and
school. Students spent the rest of the day attending leadership seminars on the
respective office position and workshops. Some of the workshops students
attended discussed state leadership competitions, college preparation, entre-
preneurship in rural communities, and how to run a campaign for a state officer
Special Board Min. 23
General Fund 24
Principals Report 25
Superintendents Report 26