President Mitch Feldman called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p . m . Members Present : Mitch Feldman , Marie Sweley , Jim Holm , Steve Heapy , Todd Wardyn , and Bill Howard . Visitors : Susan Polands , DeeDee Howard , Jose , & Kim Santiago President Mitch Feldman announced that a current copy of the Open Meetings Law is posted on the wall of the meeting room . The minutes of the last meeting were read . Bill Howard made a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting . Second by Todd Wardyn . Motion carried 6-0 . The treasurer reported a balance of $ 1,105,027.79 in the district treasury . Payroll and claims in the amount of $ 221,392.83 were presented for payment . Todd Wardyn made a motion to pay the claims . Second by Steve Heapy . Motion carried 6-0 . In the Principal ’ s Report , Mr . Drew discussed the Reading Partnership with JJs Café , Professional Development on 9 / 22 and 10 / 4 , Spanish European Trip , Mentor Program , Report Cards getting sent out this week , and included that our NeSA scores will be included . Wade Finely reported on Public Complaint , Recognition for the LEA for the 2019-2020 Negotiations , Negotiations , District Audit , Gym Floor Warranty from Anderson Ladd , Basketball Goal Support System , Welding Equipment , State Education Conference , NCSA New Superintendent & ESU Director Workshop . Todd Wardyn moved to recommend that the Litchfield Education Association be the exclusive bargaining agent for the districts non-supervisory certificated staff for the 2019-2020 contract year . Second by Jim Holm . Motion carried 6- 0 . Blue Cross / Blue Shield will be having their meetings on their benefit packages and would be willing to give a presentation to the Board , faculty , or negotiation committee . The District Audit will take place on October 19 th and the in-house audit of the district ’ s financial records for 2016-17 school year will occur that day also . Todd moved to accept Anderson Ladd ’ s terms for the warranty on the gym floor . Second by Jim Holm . Motion carried 6-0 . Wade will price some Basketball hoop systems to get specficications to report to the construction company to see if and how they can be installed . The Board decided to purchase the welding equipment that Mr . Johnson had quotes for and to have Wade let him purchase his wish list with the money in the shop fund and to go forward with building a shed to be auctioned off or sold for profit . Wade , Bill , and Todd will be attending the State Education Conference on November 15 th -17 th and Wade will be attending the NCSA New Superintendent & ESU Director Workshop on October 17 th . Jim Holm moved to enter executive session to discuss public complaint . Second by Bill Howard . Motion carried 6-0 . President Mitch Feldman restated that the intent to go into executive session was to discuss the public complaint . The Board entered executive session at 8:51 p . m . Marie Sweley moved to exit executive session . Second by Jim Holm . Motion carried 6-0 . Board exited executive session at 9:25 p . m . Jim Holm made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:26 p . m . Second by Bill Howard . Motion carried 6-0 . The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education will be at 7:30 p . m . on November 20 , 2017 . The agenda is a continuous agenda and is available for examination during regular hours at the office of the Superintendent . Public notice of the meeting will be given in the Small Town Times newsletter and in the Sherman County Times .
Marie Sweley Board Secretary