Nebraska Thursday Meat Program
How does Litchfield Public School get meat for school lunches?
We receive meat donations from our generous local farmers.
Some benefits of the meat donations are we know the meat is
locally raised and fed in our community and the meat provides nutritious meals for the students of
Litchfield. Some of our local farmers who have donated meat are, Todd Wardyn, Gary Feldman, and Dan
Feldman. The school can accept donations as often as community members want and are able to donate.
Some of the meals that the cafeteria is able to provide for the students are roast beef sandwiches,
hamburgers, meatloaf, etc. with the meat provided. The company that helps motivate local farmers to
donate is called Nebraska Thursday. The program encourages our local farmers with information and
assistance in providing donations.
If you are interested in making a meat or monetary donation to help with processing, you can contact
Wade Finley or Janice Reynolds at the Litchfield School. The Nebraska Thursday logo on the school
lunch calendar indicates which meals are provided through the use of local meat donations.
Local Art Teacher Receives Art Teacher of Year
On Friday October 12th, The Nebraska Art Teacher Association (NATA) awarded
Litchfield art teacher, Allison Varah with the K-12 Art Teacher of the Year Award. She
was nominated by Jan Jones, a retired middle school art teacher who now teaches at
UNK, and Lynette Fast, is a retired high school teacher at Lincoln Public Schools.
Mrs. Varah received her award in Kearney at the Museum of Nebraska Art where she
gave an acceptance speech talking about the people who she is thankful for, which are her
previous art teachers. She said she learned so much from
each of these individuals. She realized that they all helped
her and that she is so thankful.
Mrs. Varah says “It means so much to me that people have
congratulated me and have been so kind to recognize my
small art teacher moment. I really didn’t expect the support
our awesome community has shown. I feel overly
appreciated. The award challenges me to always be about
the highest level of quality.
The award is based on accomplishments in the classroom,
professional involvement, and own personal studio work
outside the classroom. Litchfield Superintendent Wade
Finley, commented on Varah’s award saying, “We are very
fortunate to have Mrs. Varah as a teacher at Litchfield Schools. If you look at the success
that our students have had under her supervision, it shows how deserving she is of this