Small Town Times
May 2018
Rilee Howard’s Art Wins Visit From Congressman Adrian Smith
By: Mrs. Varah
Rilee Howard, a sophomore at Litch-
field High School, found out this week that her
photography will soon hang in the Washing-
ton D.C. office of Congressman Adrian Smith.
Every year the nation recognizes excellence in
visual art from each state with the Congres-
sional Art Competition. Congressman Smith
awarded Rilee’s photography “Details” with
second place. Visitors to Congressman Smith’s
office in D.C. will view Rilee’s beautiful picture
of a milkweed growing near Litchfield, Nebras-
ka. The art will remain on display there for
one year. Congratulations Rilee and thank you
for representing Litchfield and earning our
town a visit from Congressman Adrian Smith.
Rilee is the daughter of Bill and Britt Howard
of Litchfield.
The visit will be open to the public in
the Spartan gym on May 1, at 2:50 pm. Congressman Smith will address our school and
community, answer questions and congratulate Rilee Howard.■
Summer school will be held at Litchfield School from June 11 to July 20, 2018 in
the blue building. It will be five days a week from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon. There
will be no school on the 4 th of July. Targeted areas we will be working on are read-
ing and math. Students will have computer time each day, as well as math games,
bowling, bean bag math, puppets, snack time and gardening. Erma Sadler will be
teaching classes. A registration form is included in this newsletter and forms will be
available for pick-up at the school office. Please fill it out and send it back soon to
allow time to provide materials for all students. On July 20 a parent meeting will be
scheduled for 7:00 p.m. to share our summer activities. We will review the Parent
Policy and make changes where necessary.