President Mitch Feldman called a regular meeting to order at 7:31pm . Members Present : Bill Howard , Marie Sweley , Mitch Feldman , Todd Wardyn , and Jim Holm . ( Steve Heapy was absent ). Visitors : Susan Poland , and Cannon Blauvelt . President Mitch Feldman announced and informed the public that a current copy of the Open Meetings Law is posted on the wall of the meeting room , and also indicated the instructions for those who wish to speak during the public forum . The minutes of the last meeting were read . Bill Howard made a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting . Second by Todd Wardyn . Motion carried 5-0 . Wade Finley reported a balance of $ 868,545.00 in the district treasury . Payroll and claims in the amount of $ 218,123.62 were presented for payment . Jim Holm made a motion to pay the claims . Second by Bill Howard . Motion carried 5-0 . Matt Drew reported on the MAP Testing in Elementary and several positive trends , Professional development for January 3rd , Custer County STEM lab , Anticipation for report cards being mailed out on Friday December 22nd , Music Program , and Elementary Science Olympiad . Wade Finley reported on Board Election Certification , COOP Meeting , Legislative information from NCSA & NRCSA information , and building and grounds maintenance updates . Wade discussed with the Board the amount of vacancies for the upcoming election and it was decided that possibly three would be vacant . The Board discussed COOP meeting in Litchfield on December 1st . The people in attendance , fall sports review , busing , practices , and Mr . Blauvelt as Activities Director for next year . Legislative information was shared that Wade received at the conference he attended on the 6th and gave out a lot of hands out and made a quick overview of them . Several updates on the buildings and grounds as repair work around the vents of the blue building , fixing a fan in the gym and adding a light on the west side of the blue building , installing of new door handles on the locker rooms , refinishing of hand rails in the main building , and gym floor repair under warranty during Christmas break . Jim Holm made a motion to approve the final payment to Anderson Ladd be paid out of the Depreciation Fund after it is double checked to be the correct amount . Second by Bill Howard . Motion carried 5-0 Jim Holm made a motion to enter into executive session to discuss teacher salary negotiations , Superintendent evaluation / contract , and Board of education self-evaluations . Second by Marie Sweley . Motion carried 5-0 . President Mitch Feldman reinstated the intent to go into executive session was to discuss teacher salary negotiations , Superintendent evaluation / contract , and Board education self-evaluations . The Board enters executive session at 8:15 p . m . Marie Sweley made a motion to exit executive session . Second by Bill Howard . Motion carried 5-0 . Board Exit executive session at 9:12 p . m . Jim Holm made a motion to complete the teachers ’ negotiations with the agreed upon information that was presented to the Board after the last negotiations meeting . Second by Todd Wardyn . Motion carried 5-0 . Motion to be made on superintendent contract after it has been presented and accepted and the Board self-evaluations will be tabled until next meeting . Jim Holm made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:12 p . m . Second by Bill Howard . Motion carried 5-0 . The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education will be at 7:30 p . m . on January 15 , 2018 . The agenda is a continuous agenda and is available for examination during regular hours at the office of the Superintendent . Public notice of the meeting will be given in the Small Town Times Newsletter and in the Sherman County Times .
Marie Sweley Board Secretary