December Superintendent Report
Litchfield Public Schools
December 17, 2018
Personnel-Science Teacher
We have offered and received acceptance from Amanda Slocum to be the 7-12 Science teacher for the second
semester of the 2018-2019 school year.
Amanda has two years of experience teaching Science in Wakefield, Nebraska. She has been one of our sub-
stitute teachers the past six years. Moreover, she has been teaching this position since the beginning of No-
vember when it was suddenly left vacant. We have seen many positive results since Mrs. Slocum has taken
over the program.
One of Mrs. Slocum’s past supervisors commented, “In my visiting of Mrs. Slocum’s classroom, another
strength I have noticed is that she always remained positive and upbeat in her lessons. She had very well-
prepared lesson plans, and was excited to see the kids and begin her lessons each day.”
We have noticed this strength as well in observing Mrs. Slocum these past weeks.
Motion: I recommend Amanda Slocum to be hired as the new 7-12 Science teacher for the second se-
mester of the 2018-2019 school year.
Building & Grounds
-Weight room update
- New doors are installed
- Lights around the grounds and sensor lights in the old gym.
-Faculty and administration survey for improvements
Joint COOP Meeting
I have attached a copy of the agenda for Monday evening’s meeting.
NCSA Legislative Preview Material
I attended the Legislative Preview last Wednesday and listened to what will be on the agenda for the upcoming
session. I have attached the material I received from Nebraskans United for Property Tax Reform and Educa-
Superintendent and Board Evaluations
Evaluations need to be handed into the Board President