Small Town Times January 2020 | Page 12

December Superintendent Report Litchfield Public Schools December 16, 2019 1 st National Bank Presentation Tobin Buchanan will be here to discuss actual savings if we were to pay off some of the Build America Bonds early with the QCPUF funds that we have already collected. He will also discuss other financing options if we would need them for other projects. Building and Grounds Enclosed is a copy of the Trane Executive Summary and proposal for the possibility of putting an HVAC system in gymnasiums. I have also contacted Axmann from Pleasanton and Rutt Heating and Air from Hastings who will come up look at the project and give possible options. Certification on Board Positions Three board positions will be open in the next election. I have filed the certification with the county as to which positions are open. I have attached a copy of the form which shows the position of Mitch Feldman, Jim Holm, and Steve Heapy are up for re-election. Legislative Preview Conference I have attached some handouts from the conference I attended on Wednesday in Lincoln. I have added the Open-Sky Policy Institute powerpoint on Nebraska budget and tax basics and Tax policy discussions in 2020. Negotiations Mitch and Marie can update the board where negotiations are at. Board could go into executive session if they would like to discuss in detail. Board and Superintendent Evaluations The forms were handed out at last board meeting to be brought back and given to Board President Mitch Feldman.