Small Town Times December Newsletter | Page 14

Dear Santa, I wish for a happy family. I also wish for others to have a happy and healthy life. Thank you for all you do and for giving us your time and presents. Sincerely, Blake Dear Santa, I wish for my parents to have less work in their lives. I don’t want anything else, except maybe a puppy. How are you? I am thankful for you. Thank you Santa. You are a nice and kind person. Your friend, Jenna Dear Santa, This is Taryn. How are you today? Can I have a Blue Heeler Baby? Please check with my mom first. If I can’t have a puppy, can I have a Hatchimal? Santa, can you give other children toys? Have a nice day. Thank you. Your friend, Taryn Dear Santa, This is Addie. I LOVE Christmas. I wish for Jenna D and Layla to come back. I also hope my family gets together. I would like a book, “Just Joking Cats.” I am thankful for you because you are nice. Have a nice and safe Christmas! Your friend, Addie Dear Santa, I love Christmas. How is Mrs. Claus? Thank you for all you do. I wish for a phone. If I can’t have a phone, then I would like a Hatchimal. I hope that you have a nice Christmas. Sincerely your friend, Kinzlie December 2018 Menu