Full Name: Dallas Rohde
Birthday: August 14th, 2000
Nicknames: Bobby
Hometown: Litchfield, Nebraska
Favorite Movie: Star Wars Series
Favorite Teacher: Mrs. Sadler
Favorite Subject: P.E.
Extracurricular Activities: Football, Track, FFA
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Book: The Great Gatsby
Favorite Song: Revolution By The score
Favorite TV Show: MythBusters
Favorite Hangout: Anywhere with Friends
Most Prized Possession: My dirt bike
Favorite High school memory: 7th grade football practice
Student Survey
Every month a few students are picked from different grades to answer a question. This month the grades that an-
swered this: What is your favorite Thanksgiving family Tradition? Students surveyed were in Kindergarten, 5th, and
11th Grade.
Their answers are below.