7th Grade story writing
Each month we will include a sample writing by a 7th grader to display their
writing skills.
The Scary Squirrel
By Ashton Behmerwold
One bleak day, an abnormal squirrel named, Big Bill, was eating in the park while I walked
my pet wiener dog, Jeff. The next afternoon, I saw Big Bill again and I could tell that Big Bill was
hungry because he devoured 50 nuts from the walnut tree. Bill was nervous from all the people
being extremely obnoxious adjacent to the water fountain. Big Bill got frustrated, perturb and started
hitting the big old grim tree with his head. After that, Big Bill had a pretty sweet Mohawk. Then big
Bill’s eyes turned dark red and his fangs were as big as a school bus.
My wiener dog Jeff got scared and started running. I was holding on for dear life because
the squirrel came after us. The other people at the park were so scared that they passed out in the
play house. Out of nowhere to save the day a big fat brave hero guy named Bob, swooped from out
of the sky and grasped Bill tightly by the fluffy tail. Then Bob dropped Bill from the sky and Bill died
on impact. The people were fine and dandy because the creepy squirrel was gone.
All of a sudden Jeff stopped dead in his tracks but the people kept running. The people
started going crazzzzy! The people were running like a bunch of zombies attacking. Animals, like
raccoons’, badgers and worst of all evil cats. I was running from everything and everyone but they
were too nimble and one crazy badger caught me, bit me on the neck I had a part of its tooth got
stuck in my neck. I had a very bad disease called yeet disease. The bite was in the worst part of my
body it hurt so bad but I started laughing because then people were making weird noises I went to
check it out. All the crazy people were playing a prank on me I thought I had a disease but turned
out I didn’t.