Litchfield Technology Paperwork Overview
Please see the below for a short explanation of what each form requires, as well as who signs it, and how often.
The school will provide copies of all necessary forms.
Google Apps for Education
For... Signed...
(and new students) Once
This form permits a Google account through the school (including email for grade 5+). It also
explains the various privacy and safety protections we adhere to with this.
Media Consent Form
Once. Permission remains in
effect unless revoked.
This forms allows each student’s picture and name to be used by local news organizations, as
well as the school’s social media, when reporting on school activities.
Voluntary Device Protection
(Every year OPTIONAL)
This form is optional. It allows the student/parent to pay a $20 premium to cover any potential
damages to laptop (including broken screens) during the school year; otherwise, full repair
costs are assessed.
Elem Tech User Guidelines K-6th Every year
HS Tech User Guidelines 7-12th Every year
These two documents explain in plain language the rules and expectations for students when
using the school’s chromebooks, laptops, or other devices. Signing this form is a requirement
for laptop check for 7-12th graders.
Acceptable Use Policy
Signing this form is not required. It is provided as an official
explanation of the school’s policies on safe and acceptable
use by all users of district devices and services.