July 16, 2018
President Mitch Feldman called the regular meeting to order at 7:28 p.m.
Members Present: Mitch Feldman, Bill Howard, Marie Sweley, Jim Holm, and Ste-
ve Heapy.
Visitors: April Gross
President Mitch Feldman announced and informed the public that a current copy
of the Open Meetings Law is posted on the wall of the meeting room, and also indi-
cated the instructions for those who wish to speak during the public forum.
The minutes of the last meeting were read. Steve Heapy made a motion to ap-
prove the minutes from the last meeting. Second by Bill Howard. Motion carried 5-
The treasurer reported a balance of $1,317,811.04 in the district treasury. Payroll
and claims in the amount of $203,593.78 were presented for payment. Jim Holm
made a motion to pay the claims. Second by Bill Howard. Motion carried 5-0.
There was no coop Treasurer’s report as it didn’t get sent over. Wade will get a
copy and present to the Board members as discussion on girls’ basketball and foot-
ball uniforms.
Mitch Feldman moved that the Board appoints April Gross to fill the open seat on
the school board to carry out Todd Wardyn’s term that will end in January 14, 2019.
Second by Bill Howard. Motion carried 5-0.
April Gross was sworn in and welcomed to the Board.
Matt Drew discussed the scheduling for the beginning of the year; Professional de-
velopment, Potluck for back to school, and working with Cannon to finalize a calen-
dar Handout, Preparing for the school year; paraprofessional schedules, Art Schol-
arships with Mrs. Varah and Student Teacher Nolan Kratzer.
Wade Finley reported on2018-2019 lunch prices, First Reading on policy changes
recommended by the NASB, review of our student/staff memorial policy, building
and grounds, and dates to remember.