Small Town Times APRIL NEWSLETTER final | Page 19

March Superintendent Report Litchfield Public Schools March 18, 2019 COOP Agreement Update: We have to add the coach evaluation and job descriptions to the agreement. I have enclosed a copy of the new agreement. Ansley’s approved it at their March board meeting. Motion: Move to accept the proposed copy of the COOP Agreement with Ansley. Policy Updates – 1 st Reading for Policy 716.00 & 717.00 716.00-“ESSA Non-Regulatory Business Requirements” & 715.00-“Disposal of Property Under Federal Grants” Road Bids Update Look at the bids for the road project. Building and Grounds  Roof on the Shop is being looked at as we had some leaking this past Wednesday on the south side. Mark is contacting Scarborough Construction to come and look at this.  Jerry Weister is scheduled to refinish the gym floor this summer. I have him scheduled to come and look at the condition of the floor now during the low humidity time. NRCSA Spring Conference I will be attending the NRCSA Spring Conference in Kearney this Thursday and Friday. Staff Resignation Attached is the resignation letter for Erma Sadler. We thank Mrs. Sadler for all her years of dedicated service to the Litchfield School District. We also received a letter of resignation from Katherine Miller from the PreK 2 nd teaching position. This was a one year position to match the numbers we have in the PreK classroom. Motion: Move to accept the resignation of Erma Sadler and Katherine Miller. Certified Personnel for 2019-2020 Update on faculty staffing for the 2019-2020 school year. Mr. Drew and Mr. Finley will update board on our plans for the 2019- 2020 school year certified personnel staffing and assignments. Contracts for the 2019-2020 school year will be handed out by the end of March.