Superintendent’s Report MARCH 2017
Thank you Leah and Lauren
(Page 3,4)
The district is sorry to announce that Leah Kenney and Lauren Heyden have accepted teaching positions at other school districts
for next year. Leah will be accepting a teaching position in Elm Creek for the 2017-18 school year and Lauren will be teaching in
the Santee school district, located an hour from where she grew up. We wish both of them the very best in their moves to new
positions and thank them for their service to our districts this year.
Welcome Elizabeth Curlo
Mr. Finley announced that the district will be hiring a part time Spanish teacher for the 2017-18 school year and will be filling
that position by sharing a teacher with Ansley. Elizabeth Curlo will be teaching at Litchfield the last three periods a day and will
be in Ansley for three teaching periods in the morning. Distance learning Spanish classes from Ansley will also be available during
other times of the day. Elizabeth taught Spanish in Red Cloud and most recently in Doniphan-Trumbull. She currently lives in
Loup City and drives to Doniphan each day. Elizabeth comes highly recommended by both districts and uses conversational
Spanish daily in all of her classes.
Motion: I recommend that the district hire Elizabeth Curlo as a part time Spanish instructor in a shared contract with Ansley
Public Schools for the 2017-18 school year.
Welcome Mariah Sekutera
Mr. Finley is pleased to announce that Mariah Sekutera has been hired to be a para-aide at our district for next year. Mariah
comes to us after being a preschool aide and coach in Ansley this school year. She comes highly recommended by her preschool
teacher and Pat Hoblin, the coach with whom she worked. Mariah will also help the district in coaching next year.
Motion: I recommend Mariah Sekutera be hired as a para for the 2017-18 school year.
Teaching Vacancies and Contracts
As of this date, there are no other resignations. Mrs. Vega is recommended to teach at Litchfield again next year, as well as all of
the non-tenured and tenured teachers. Non-tenured teachers are instructors who have less that 4 years in a school district. All
teachers will be offered a contract for the 2017-18 school year and those contracts have been handed out to be returned by
April 7. As in the past, any teacher who has signed a contract with the district, and wishes to accept a position after April 15 with
another district, must be released by the board of education in a formal request process based upon the administration’s ability
to find a suitable replacement.
Pre-School Enrollment
Our initial count of preschoolers for the 2017-18 school year is 21 students. The district will have one full time aide in that
classroom and if all 21 students come, the district will be required to hire an additional aide. We will plan that staff addition in
the budget and will hire a second aide as needed. Mr. Finely is advertising to replace Barb Kratzer’s aide position and will be also
screening those candidates for the additional aide position in the next several weeks.
(7-13) and an Additional handout at the meeting
Attached is information in regard to legislation that is being proposed in Legislature. One of the most important bills being
drafted is LB 640. This bill will be discussed at the board meeting and I will show the district how the bill would affect the
property tax asking. There is much support for the bill in 173 school districts which presently receive no state aid. Please see
education bills that are being drafted. They are included in the board packet.
Gym Floor (14-19)
Please see email I received from Anderson Ladd. They have a proposal to repair, screen, and seal the gym floor this May. We are
recommending that this proposal be accepted. Mr. Joedeman said if we were to complete the screening and sealing our costs
would be about $2,000 in materials, plus the cost of his labor. When painting and applying two coats of sealing coat to the new
floor, we believe that they need to complete the project to make sure that their final warranty will remain in place in the case of
any deficiencies.
Motion: I recommend that the repair and sealing contract from Anderson Ladd be approved as presented.
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