Small Town Times 2-8 | Page 2

~ Senior Spotlight ~
~ Senior Spotlight ~
Photo by Hillary Williams
Full Name : Hamilton Schrock
Birthday : December 25 , 1998
Nicknames : Hap
Hometown : Phoenix , AZ
Favorite Music Artist : Disturbed
Favorite Subject : Math
Favorite Hangout : My room
Favorite Animal : Dogs
Favorite Color : Metallic Silver
Favorite Hobby : Sleeping
Favorite Author : J . K . Rowling
Favorite Place to Shop : Sam ’ s Club
Favorite TV Show : How I Met Your Mother
Favorite Teacher : Mr . Franzen
Favorite Book / Magazine : Harry Potter series
Favorite Sport : Basketball
Favorite Actor / Actresses : Harrison Ford
Extracurricular Activities : FBLA , Quiz Bowl
What are your lifetime goals : Die of old age
What are your plans after high school : Work
Favorite Thing to do in your spare time : Sleep
Problem that concerns you the most : Waking up
If you could be anyone else who would you be : Me
What is unique about you : I just don ’ t care
Favorite Movie : Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows , Part Two
Do you have any pets : Kya ( Golden Retriever ) & Megeara ( Domestic House Cat )
Advice to underclassmen : Don ’ t be dumb .
Quote to live by : “ Your birth is irrelevant , it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are .”
Dr . Seuss ’ s Birthday By : Amanda McClain
Thursday , March 2 nd is Dr . Seuss ’ s Birthday ! What better way to celebrate than to read all that you can read ? On this day , across the country , thousands of schools , libraries , and communities participate by gathering together and just simply reading . This day is officially called National Read Across America Day ! There are 44 books which Dr . Seuss himself wrote and illustrated . The first book Seuss wrote and illustrated was “ The Cat in the Hat ” in 1937 . He had written this because he was afraid that children were not learning to read . Unlike many , Seuss never had children so he made up an imaginary daughter named Chrysanthemum-Pearl , and he dedicated almost all of his books to her . Seuss has made a legacy , influencing many of us just through the words and illustrations in his books . Even though he is not here with us today , his legacy will continue on March 2 nd as people across the country continue to read in his honor .