Small Town Times 2-7 | Page 19

LPS FBLA Sponsored Kid ’ s Fun Day ! Saturday , February 18 , 2017 ; 5pm-10pm @ LPS New Gym
Parents , enjoy an evening out with your partner , while your kids play safely at Litchfield Public School ’ s Kid ’ s Fun Day !
We will provide a pizza dinner , age-appropriate movies , and entertainment from 5pm-10pm on Saturday , February 18 , 2017 .
To participate , please fill out the permission slip below and have your child return it , along with your cash or check for $ 15.00 , to school by Wednesday , February 15th ! Don ’ t miss out on date night ! Due to our absolute need to ensure each child has a great and safe time , spots are limited- get your place in our Kid ’ s Fun Day reserved today !
------------------------------------------Return Bottom Portion with Payment---------------------------------------------------
I , , give permission for my student ,_____________________________,
Parent / Guardian Name
Student Name to attend Litchfield Public School ’ s Kid ’ s Fun Day on Saturday , February 18 , 2017 . I understand that I will be expected to provide transportation to and from the Litchfield Public School ’ s elementary school and will be there to pick my student up at or before 10pm . I understand that , should my child fail to be in attendance , there will be no refund as FBLA must purchase materials for this event . I agree to not hold Litchfield Public Schools liable for any injury or accident that may occur at this event .
Parent / Guardian signature & Date
Contact Phone Number :
Student Allergies ( if applicable ):
Student preference on pizza toppings ( Please note , we will try to accommodate as many students as possible , but no guarantees are made that you will receive these exact toppings ):
Additional Concerns or Things you would like us to know :