Small Town Times 2-5 | Page 5

What is YOUR Favorite Christmas Activity? By: Lori Bay Jennifer Mostek: “Too many to choose! Here’s some: Hanging up the Christmas lights on the house & inside lights & decorating the tree & making gingerbread houses!” Dr. Scott Maline: “Christmas caroling with family to friends and neighbors.” Mr. Cody Franzen: “My favorite activity for Christmas is spending time with family.” Mrs. Sherrie Klein: “The Nutcracker Ballet.” Mrs. Leah Kenney: “My favorite activity for Christmas is to drive around and look at Christmas lights and decorations in yards. I also really enjoy taking turns opening up presents, so that we all get to see what each other got as gifts.” Mrs. Michelle Buchanan: “My favorite activity at Christmas time is opening one gift on Christmas Eve.” Mrs. Nikia Hunt: “I love hiding a pickle ornament in our tree each year. My kids have a blast trying to find it on Christmas morning so that they can have good luck for the next year. Jasmine always lets Daemon ‘find’ it first!” Mrs. Susan Poland: “I loved baking goods to give to our neighbors when my kids were little. When used to bake, package, and have my girls deliver the baked goods. Also, my family loves to make sure we celebrate my birthday separately from Christmas.” Mrs. Barbara Ellis: “On Christmas morning, after opening gifts, we eat cinnamon rolls (and, of course, drink coffee!) and watch the Christmas Story or the parade.” Mrs. Allison Varah: “Giving Presents!” Mr. Brian Johnson: “Driving around and looking at Christmas lights after Christmas Eve services.” 5