Small Business Today Magazine JAN 2015 AIM GLOBAL LOGISTICS | Page 22

Prosperity Real Estate Group A Company Built on a Strong Foundation I By Heather Green Warner f one were to ask, “What is the number one fear for property buyers in Houston?”, the answer would be, “Foundations”. Houston is known for its gumbo soil and hot temperatures, a dangerous combination that can wreak havoc on any building. In real estate terms, the word ‘foundation’ refers to the structural aspects of a home and is crucial to its worth. However, there are other foundations equally important in life that can affect one’s potential for success - the ones we refer to when discussing a person’s upbringing, role models, and most importantly, education. Prosperity Real Estate Group, founded in 2011 by partners A.C. Ramos and Tim Mai, is the most successful real estate investing coaching program in the country and can help anyone who truly wants the strongest possible foundation in learning the ropes of real estate investing.  Polar opposites, A.C. and Tim are unique individuals with unconventional foundations in life and real estate.  Surprisingly, they compliment each other perfectly in the details involved in running such a successful operation.  Everything that happens at Prosperity Real Estate Group is handled with precision.  The attention to detail at each class is amazing.  No “i” goes without being dotted and no “t” remains uncrossed.  Because of that, Ramos and Mai have created an education program that assures anyone who participates that they will have the greatest chance of success in the complicated world of real estate investing.  In fact, not only has Prosperity Real Estate Group’s students earned millions of dollars from real estate transactions, the students have also had a 100 percent success rate.   Now that’s a foundation to talk about!!! 20 SMALL BUSINESS TODAY MAGAZINE [ JANUARY 2015 ]