Small Business Today Magazine FEB 2015 TAYLOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGMENT | Page 21

EDITORIALFEATURE The 7 Areas of Power Needed   in Order to Succeed                   By Dr. John Demartini T here are seven areas of power that everyone needs to fulfill in order to succeed or else they will become overpowered by others: 1. Spiritual mission 2. Mental genius and creativity 3. Vocational success, achievement, and service 4. Financial freedom/independence 5. Family love, intimacy, and continuance of procreation 6. Social influence and leadership 7. Physical health, stamina, strength, and well-being If we don’t have empowerment in any of these seven areas, we will become overpowered by others. We are not victims of the ones overpowering us; we are simply not empowered. It is their empowerment that in turn initiates and is a catalyst to our drive for inner-empowerment. I have yet to meet anyone who did not want to expand their powers in each of these areas. No one gets up and honestly says that they want to shrink in power. powered by other nations or groups. This applies to nations just as it applies to individuals. The will to power and empowerment, although assumed to be about race, creed, color, age, or sex isn’t in fact limited by these factors.There is always somebody from each race, creed, color, age, or sex who empowers their lives and is not overpowered. It’s all about empowering. The first step in empowering each of these areas is education. Success leaves clues and those individuals as w [\