Small Business Forum Magazine Online Oct 2014 | Page 2

Just my opinion.......

Sometimes in life and in business you must get rid of people who are toxic or bring nothing to the table (or both). I found myself in this position recently with people who were becoming increasingly toxic in my life. This (ending the business relationship)wasn’t an overnight decision but rather a gradual eroding of the respect for the relationship. The scenarios aren’t important, however what is are the lessons I leaned and teach to my students and so I’d like to share them with you….

1.You know you’re in a toxic relationship if the other person prefers to talk over you rather than hear what you have to say. If you find yourself constantly asking them not to interrupt you then it might be time to sit down and explain to them how their behavior makes you feel and how you’d prefer to show mutual respect for each other. If they have a problem with that it’s time to re-evaluate the relationship and move on.

2.If the other person is always asking for favors but rarely reciprocates then it’s time to get rid of the relationship. This is assuming of course that you’ve brought this issue to their attention.

3.Are you the toxic one? No one wants to think of themselves as a bad person but taking a minute to offer help to someone else goes a long way towards establishing a trusting working relationship.

4.If you feel you’re being treated unfairly then say something. No one can read your mind and if you don’t tell the other person how you feel then it’s partly you’re fault if the relationship doesn’t work out.

5.Sometimes it’s best to just distance yourself from the toxic party. You don’t always need to dump everyone that doesn’t act in an honorable way. Sometimes making sure that the toxic party isn’t a part of your inner circle is good enough.

6.Be open to fixing the problem but know when to fold ‘em. I always try to keep the lines of communication open but sometimes you have to cut your losses and once you do -don't look back.

7.Give to get. The best relationships are always reciprocal. I always let people know to call on me if they need anything. If I can help, I will. My policy is never to say no but rather what else?

I hope these tips help you spot a toxic relationship and manage it to your satisfaction.

Tony Wilkins

Toxic relationships: How do you know it’s time to clean house?