Small Business Forum Magazine Online June Issue | Page 18

Offshore banking is nothing new and not just for the rich anymore. Like most companies (especially large corporations) getting the most from your banking institution is as important as choosing the right bank. That’s why The Dutch/ East Indian based Breder Suasso established in 1602 (by the Lopes Suasso banking dynasty) is rolling out a new tier of customer friendly services specifically designed to offer business owners and individuals alike the flexibility to manage their funds both nationally and internationally. Some of the amenities provided by Breder Suasso include:

Breder Suasso allows both companies as well as individuals the opportunity to open multiple accounts (both personal and corporate).

Breder Suasso allows you to open bank accounts in a variety of currencies including USD, EUR and GBP.

Breder Suasso offers its customers Visa debit cards for use anywhere in the world.

Breder Suasso offers many tax advantages particularly to high net worth individuals and corporations.

Breder Suasso allows you to open multiple accounts for maximum financial benefits not available with local institutions

Clients of Breder Suasso are able to move funds between accounts (internationally) conveniently and discretely.

Breder Suasso offers pre-paid cards as well as online support for its customers.

Customers of Breder Suasso are able to order up to 20 pre-paid Visa cards for family and employees.

Offshore banks are not required to report income to other tax authorities, and have no legal obligation to do so.

Some off shore banks may also provide higher interest rates than is available in US. Banks.

Please note that not all offshore banks are insured and thus there might be a high risks of losing in a down and so it’s always recommended that you do your research before transferring funds.

So if you’re looking for maximum tax advantages, financial flexibility and a safe and discrete way option for managing funds internationally-consider an offshore bank like Breder Suasso. For more info go to or

Is offshore banking right for you and your business? Try Breder Suasso